Category Archives: Camerata

Great Quote by Leonard Bernstein

“Image of Chile” Speech, 1963

“If we are really serious about communicating with one another, about knowing ourselves through our neighbors — in short, about peaceful civilization — then we can never overestimate the good that comes from artistic communication. When we touch one another through music, we are touching the heart, the mind, and the spirit, all at once.”

And that is why we sing. That is why choir is so important. That is why choir makes a difference in our lives and the lives of others!

2021-2022 School Year! Website updated!

I am thrilled to welcome all of you back to singing at Tigard High School! It has been a wild ride these past years, but we are coming back live and in person!

Our plans for the year will evolve as information becomes more clear, but this website is a great spot to get up-to-date information about the choir program.

The first BIG thing to announce is the collaboration set for this Fall with our Theater Program. Under the new direction of Mrs. Tori Scoles, the Choir Program and Theater Program will join forces to present, “All Together Now!” a musical review from Music Theater International. Our event dates are Thursday, November 11 and Saturday, November 13! All the choirs will be involved. This is in place of our Fall Debut Concert.

I am also pleased to announce that the talented Mr. Ulises Zavaleta-Berdeja will be joining us from the PSU Music Education Program as a student teacher! For those of you who participated in the choir program in 2019-2020 school year, you will remember his skilled involvement in rehearsals and sectionals. Welcome Mr. Zavaleta-Berdeja!

Check out the website for your performance calendar and other information that is handy!

Looking forward to a great year!

Mr. Robert Hawthorne
Director, Tigard Choir Program

Packed with Pride – How you can help

Hey Folks,

Here is a link about Packed with Pride. Let’s help our community by helping out with this project:



Be the hands and feet of a carrying community by doing what you can to alleviate the stress and struggle of those in our community who are in need.


Mr. H

Unit Three Begins January 6th

For all choirs, January 6th begins Unit Three.

In this unit we start with reevaluating vocal range on each student.

The three major foci for this unit are:

(1) Sightsinging Olympics (getting our key signatures, rhythm, interval and overall sightsinging chops up to speed.

(2) Guiding interested students in preparing for District Solo and Ensemble Contest, either as individual entries or in small groups (duet, trio, quartet, sextet, or octet) The event is held on Saturday, February 29th at Tigard High School.

(3) Preparing for the Classics Choir Concert on March 18th in Deb Fennell Auditorium at 7 pm. All Choirs! Plus qualifying soloists and small ensembles!

Check out the music selections on the Listen and Watch section of our website!

Here is to a lot of awesome learning and growth!

Mr. Hawthorne

December Concert and Gigs

December is a busy time for the choir program!

In the next 3 weeks, the choir will be out and about supporting our community in the following concerts:

Dec 4 (9:00 am – 12:00 noon)Choralation sings at Christmas for Kids™ charity event at the Hollywood Fred Meyer. This is our 5th year participating in this amazing event where underprivileged students are supported with a free holiday shopping experience and meet with Santa. Singers wear ugly sweaters and nice blue/black jeans.

Dec 6 (10:30 am – 2:00 pm)All Tigard Choirs sing at the Salem Capitol Rotunda for the Holidays at the Capitol event at 12:00 noon. Singers wear newly delivered choir t-shirts and nice blue/black jeans. (not wholly!) Bring your own lunch!

Dec 7 (6:30 pm call, 7:00 pm performance)Choralation sings for the Summerfield Retirement Community Holiday Party. Students wear formal attire.

Dec 11 (5:00 pm call, 5:30 bus, 8:00 pm Cantus/Camerata Performance, 9:00 pm Concert Choir/Choralation Performance)
The Grotto Performance. Parents are invited to hear students sing in this lovely acoustic! Students wear choir T-shirts, black pants, black socks and black shoes and wear assigned choir robes. Students bring sack dinner. Students return to the Tigard HS campus by 10:30 pm.

Dec 12 (12 noon bus, 12:45 pm performance, back by 1:30 pm) Choralation sings for the Tigard Rotary Luncheon.

Dec 14 (10 am Choralation Performance in Holiday Gear at the Beaverton Ward)

Dec 14 (6 pm Choralation sings for the Tigard City Lights Walk in Holiday Gear!)

Dec 17 (6:30 pm call, 7 pm performance) Choralation sings for the Tigard Rotary Banquet at the Stockpot Restaurant) Students wear formalwear.

Dec 18 (6:00 pm call in Deb Fennell Auditorium, 7 pm Concert)

All Choirs sing! All Choirs wearing robes!

Dec 19 (6:00 pm call in Deb Fennell Auditorium, 7 pm Concert)
All Choirs sing! All Choirs wearing robes!

Debut Concert Next Week!

Our First Concert of the Year!

Join your students in celebrating the good work of the first quarter at our Debut Concert in the Deb Fennell Auditorium at Tigard High School.

Call time for students is 6 pm Dressed and Pressed in the Auditorium. (see Attire expectations in our Choir Handbook on our Website which is found under Documents and Forms.)

Concert begins at 7 pm.

We Pass the Hat in support of the choir program.

Reserved Seating
If you would like to reserve seats and show up at 6:55, you can do so by contacting Cendy at or call 503-805-7995 with YOUR NAME and how many seats.
Each reserved seat is $10 and there will be a “RESERVED for ____________” on the chairs. Cash or Checks made out to Tigard High Coir will be collected during pass the hat.

Homecoming Dance this Saturday!

Hello Parents,

Our Homecoming Dance is this Saturday, October 5th, from 8 – 11 pm in the THS Cafeteria. This is our main fundraiser. We need all hands helping out!

Concert Choir members are expected to support in the execution of the event by participating in several of the following activities:

  1. Painting and creation of cafeteria signage and decorations during the week.
  2. Decorating and setting up the cafeteria on Saturday morning from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  3. Helping with Coat Check shifts from 7:30 PM until 11:30 PM.
  4. Tearing down, 11:00 PM – until it is done (hopefully no later than 12:30 AM) of decorations and resetting the cafeteria to be operational on Monday Morning.


For those parents who have volunteered, THANK YOU!

Parents show up at 7 PM (updated) and will be assigned locations to work.

Bring Ear Plugs!

  1. 2 parents will be collecting AT THE DOOR payment for tickets ($15), checking school ID and writing down names of each student that arrives to purchase a ticket. NO AT THE DOOR tickets are sold to non-THS Students.
  2. Parents will be in pairs at the bathrooms, at the exit doors to make sure students do not let other students in, at the snack and water tables.
  3. All parents will assist in tear down in order to facilitate getting kids home as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Mr. Hawthorne